Children's Television


For the Children: Children's Television in the UK

Mr Piper  New  Updated

Main Details

Transmitted: ITV, 05 October 1964 - 1965
Episodes/Length: 39 x 30m
Repeated: Mid 1965 - May 1975
Format: Colour
Category: Story
Origin: Canada
Premiered on: CBC
Originally Transmitted: 1963 - 1964 (CAN)
Production: Pied Piper Films of Toronto, Canadian Broadcasting Company and ATV

Cast and Crew

Written by: Martin Andrews and Allan Wargon
Produced by: Allan Wargon
Principal Cast: Alan Crofoot


Wikipedia entry
Sterling Times
The Big Cartoon Database: Pied Piper Films

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Titles and Theme Tune

YouTube - Opening Titles
Opening or Closing Lyrics

Last reviewed: 04/06/2008

© For the Children, 2004-2023